Wednesday, September 30, 2020

6 Foods To Avoid During A Hemorrhoid

While having a nutritional diet of balance and moderation is vital in the least times, the subsequent may be a list of foods to avoid in the least COSTS during a hemorrhoid flare-up. Failure to try to so will cause further inflammation, increased discomfort and a tougher road to recovery.

Refined Grains — Refined grains are milled to melt the feel of the grain, removing the bran or germ which contain all of its nutrients and fibre. Without these nutrients, proper digestion and elimination won't happen and sometimes, refined grains will sit within the stomach or intestines, contributing to pain and swelling at the hemorrhoid site.

Dairy — Dairy including milk and cheese, promote constipation and make hemorrhoids worse. Dairy products don't cause constipation on their own but contribute to constipation discomfort during hemorrhoid outbreaks. Dairy also causes gas production, which may contribute to pain and cramping if already constipated. Some research proves heavy dairy consumption can results in the buildup of bulk called “soaps,” which contribute to constipation and harder stool. Soaps occur as fatty acids within the intestines bind to calcium deposits from the diary.

Salt — Excessive amounts of salt can slow the gastrointestinal system , making bowel movements more painful. Additionally, a build-up of salt within the blood can cause bloating, which can make swollen hemorrhoids worse and more sensitive. Limiting salt intake during hemorrhoid flareups will cause pain decreasing.

Deep-Fried Foods — Fried foods are filled with bad ingredients like unhealthy oils and a high fat content, heavy and hard to digest. These fats and oils cause inflammation within the intestinal walls causing severe damage. this may exacerbate existing hemorrhoids, making them bigger and more sensitive. During hemorrhoid flareups, always avoid any inflaming foods.

Coffee — Like alcohol, caffeinated beverages, especially coffee, can cause dry stool which will exacerbate hemorrhoids. due to this, hemorrhoid sufferers might want to modify to decaffeinated teas or coffee alternatives.

Unripe Fruit — Unripe fruit may contribute to pain because it is difficult to digest, and a few fruit, like bananas, contain constipating compounds until the fruit is fully ripened. Any fruit consumed during a flareup should be fully ripe. Ripening are often expedited by placing fruits during a warm location inside a paper sack for one to 2 days.

Vitthal Piles Center Dange Chowk Pune is known for painless piles treatment and surgery. Visit his Piles Clinic in Pune.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

lady doctor for piles near you

Dr. ANJALI VIKRAM PAWAR lady doctor for piles in pune. Piles require the right treatment from the right piles specialist. As a daily practising lady doctor for piles, I see numerous of my women friends that suffer from piles problem.

Dr. ANJALI VIKRAM PAWAR caring and curing the anorectal problems like, Piles, Fissure, and Fistula, age related pathologies in elderly womens. Painless and time saving treatment modalities are her speciality. She has treated number of patients with dietary advice and with ayurvedic medicines only.

One of the foremost common causes is dehydration, women in pune just don't seem to drink an adequate amount of water! pune is one damn hot city, keep well hydrated and rest assured you'll never get piles and you'll never need to see a woman doctor for piles ever!

Other common causes of piles include

  • Lack of fruit and vegetable intake
  • Most importantly, improper bowel straining habits

Laser Treatment for Piles

For the eyes, hemorrhoids are treated naturally without treatment. Critical cases surgery is required which could be done by Laser Treatment which is painless and day care treatment depending on the case.

Vitthal Piles center offering treatment in Piles, Fistula, Fissures, Prolapse, Hernia, Constipation, Hemorrhoid. We are providing painless, without operation, day care, cost effective Laser Treatment for Piles since last 10 years & spreading smile over thousands of patients.

Laser energy forms particles in the hemorrhoids and protects the structure of the instep and sphincter with high precision. The laser beam emits a blood supply that constitutes nutrients for abnormal growth. The visit makes an outbreak of prolapse.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Treatments for Anal Fissure

Anal Fissure

Anal Fissure are small tears that occur in the tissue that covers the mucous membrane of the anus. This crack in the skin can cause severe pain and bleeding after defecation. This condition can occur when passing through hard or large stools during defecation. Anal lacerations are very common and can affect people of all ages and are usually not a serious condition.

Anal Fissure heal spontaneously in 4-6 weeks or improve with simple treatments such as increased fiber intake and the use of stool softeners and topical analgesics, but in some cases anal lacerations are chronic, Surgery may be required.

Treatments for Anal Fissure

Some lifestyle changes and home remedies reduce the pain and discomfort caused by anal fissures. These include:

Add Fiber to Your Diet: Fiber-rich foods soften stools and improve crack healing. This includes fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains.

Drink plenty of fluids to prevent constipation.

Regular exercise and physical activity: Engage in moderate physical activity, such as walking for at least 30 minutes several days a week. The activity promotes regular bowel movements and increases blood flow to all parts of the body.

Avoid tension during defecation: When tensioned, it puts pressure on the mucous membranes of the anus and the cracks recur.

Soaking in warm water several times a day for 10 to 20 minutes relaxes the sphincter muscles and helps heal cracks.

Nonsurgical Treatment

  • Nitroglycerin: An external application of a drug containing nitroglycerin increases blood flow to the cracks and promotes healing.
  • Local anesthetic cream relieves pain.
  • Botox injections paralyze the anal sphincter and relieve spasms.
  • Blood pressure medications help relax the anal sphincter.

Surgical Treatment

The surgical procedure for anal lacerations is known as lateral internal sphincter incision (LIS). This procedure cuts a small portion of the anal sphincter to reduce spasms and pain. This action promotes the healing of cracks and is an effective remedy.

Vitthal Piles Center provide best Best fissure doctor in dangechowk Pune for painless piles treatment and surgery. Visit Vitthal Piles clinic in Pune. Contact us for detail information - +91 91461 18866 / +91 9405659585, and Email:

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

how to cure fissure permanently at home

Open pain or crevices in the skin tissue around the anus are commonly referred to as anal lacerations. This can cause sharp pain, especially if you have bowel movements.

In a limited way, this is called a rectal fissure, and people suffering from constipation are at increased risk of suffering from this problem. Medications can reduce the problem considerably, but you can try these home remedies with some control.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a rich natural laxative that helps soothe intestinal moments. They can allow stool to pass easily and have anti-inflammatory properties. To use them, mix equal amounts of olive oil, honey and beeswax in a bowl. Heat and cool and apply to the affected area. Repeat as needed. Microwave it until the beeswax is completely melted.

Aloe vera:

Aloe vera has pain-relieving properties and can relieve the symptoms of anal fissures. It also helps repair damaged skin tissue. To use them, cut one leaf of the aloe vera plant, slice it and use a spoon to scoop the gel. Apply this gel to the affected area and relax for a while. Use repeatedly for better results. Alternatively, you can opt for the organic aloe vera gel available on the market.

Hot sits bath:

Nothing beats a warm bath to relieve the discomfort caused by cracks in the anus. It also reduces pain, swelling and itching in the infected area. If you have one, put warm water in a large bathtub, add a few drops of lavender essential oil and mix well. Sit in the bathtub for about 15-20 minutes. You can take such a bath 2-3 times a day.

Vitthal Piles Center provide best fissure doctor in Pune for painless Fissure treatment and surgery

Visit Vitthal Piles clinic in Pune. Contact us for detail information - +91 91461 18866 / +91 9405659585, and Email:

Friday, September 4, 2020

Kshar Sutra Treatment

Kshar Sutra

Kshar Sutra means a corrosive substance obtained from the ashes of medicinal plants. They are alkaline in nature and are used to treat various anorectal conditions. Kushala Karma is a gentle, excellent procedure that replaces all surgical methods and effectively treats conditions that affect the anal area, where recurrence is unlikely. Kshara Karma is a safe and well-established procedure with no side effects and minimal invasion.

Kshar Sutra preparation

The entire plant of Apamalga is collected, dried and burned to obtain ash, mixed with 6 times of water and filtered multiple times into a clear and transparent liquid. The liquid evaporates to one-third of the original amount, and a gentle concentrate of Kusara: for moderate Kusara, add a few grams of limestone to the floating solution and stir continuously for 3 minutes of the original quantity. Evaporate to 1 of. In the case of high concentration Kusara, this is further heated with Chitracacalca to give a thick solution. Kusara is classified by concentration level and is used accordingly.

Procedure for Kshar Sutra

By applying local anesthesia to relax the muscles and make them sleep-like, you will not feel pain or discomfort during the procedure. Pile lumps change color and burn. Next, wash the pile mass with lemon juice to neutralize the cucara and apply a rectal pack.

This treatment reduces the chance of recurrence, which aids in rapid healing. This treatment removes pus from the fistula of the anus, drains it, creates a laceration of the anus or hemorrhoid, and maintains the persistence of the anal canal.

Advantages of Kshar Sutra Therapy

  • Less post-operative pain
  • No bleeding
  • Patient treatment
  • Cost effective and easy to walk.
  • Faster healing and recovery
  • No risk of recurrence or infection
  • There are no surgical complications like incontinence or stenosis

At Vitthal Piles Center, our doctors create a customized diet plan for patients who have undergone Kushala Karma therapy. This is strictly guarded to prevent constipation and to regularly attack the intestines without undue strain on the muscles that allow bowel movements. The diet plan includes fiber-rich foods that are full of vegetables and fruits, and plenty of water. Spices and fried foods are excluded as they can interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive system. To improve, light and regular physical activity, such as walking, is required Blood circulation to all four limbs of the body. Patients are also advised to avoid prolonged sitting which can put pressure on the area.

The Vitthal Piles Center provides patients diagnosed with anorectal disease with safe and effective Ayurvedic treatment options through complete and natural Ayurvedic procedures Kshar Sutra treatments and treatment costshat help restore the condition and prevent recurrence. Book now to find out more about Kshar Sutra treatments and treatment costs.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Fissure in Pune

An anal fissure is a longitudinal tear in the mucosal tissue of the anus. A cut in the skin of the anus causes extreme pain during and after defecation. Anal fissures can affect people of all ages for a variety of reasons, or they can result from a serious underlying medical condition.

Symptoms of fissure in anus

  • Severe pain during and after defecation
  • Traces of red blood on the stool
  • Perianal inflammation or burning sensation
  • Tears visible on the skin of the anus
  • Discharge of pus
  • Feel small lumps or skin tags in the anus

Causes of an anal fissure

Many factors can lead to a condition and can be interdependent on a person's condition. Common causes of anal fissures include the following:

  • Pass hard stool
  • constipation
  • Excessive tension during defecation
  • Low blood flow to the anus
  • Chronic diseases (diarrhea, tuberculosis, HIV)
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Life that does not move the body
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption

Ayurvedic treatments for anal fissure

Kshara karma

Kshara Sutra therapy is a minimally invasive Ayurvedic accessory surgical procedure in the management of anorectal disorders and is a proven Ayurvedic technique. It is a safe, reliable and cost-effective treatment for hemorrhoids in the fistula, hemorrhoids and other sinus diseases. The treatment is described in Ayurveda by Sushruta, Charak, Vagbhata, but the efficacy of this treatment was reestablished by the Shalya Tantra Department, Banaras Hindu University, and then revalidated by scientific institutions such as CCRAS and ICMR. it was done. This technique is widely practiced in Japan and other countries.

Kshara Soothram

Kshara Soothram therapy is a minimally invasive parasurgical procedure performed to manage anorectal diseases such as hemorrhoids, anal fistulas, and lacerations in the anus.Kshara Soothram therapy is a painful anorectal condition A fully established Ayurvedic procedure that is safe and cost effective for the treatment of. Kshara Soothram therapy used sleds or probes coated with different combinations of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, sloughing agents, and chemical hardeners to set pH levels on the alkaline side. These features help to simultaneously cut, excise, drain, and heal tissue within the anorectal tract.

Benefits of Ayurvedic treatments for anal fissure

  • Safe and effective treatment approach and rapid relief
  • Less risk of complications and recurrence
  • Reducing the risk of anal stenosis
  • Fast healing and recovery, able to get involved in daily activities within 4 days

The Vitthal Piles Center also provides effective Ayurvedic treatments for patients suffering from anal fissures and ensures that the anal fissures do not recur. Severe medical condition. The treatment plan soothes all injured doshas in the body and activates the system at the cellular level, perfecting a person's health.

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